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Nov 2024: Big Goals, No Strategy
In the 1990’s Finnish based Nokia surpassed Motorola in mobile phone sales, gaining control of approximately 40% of the world mobile phone market. Nokia’s hand sized mobile phones hit a sweet spot in the market and became so ubiquitous that people didn’t ask what kind of phone you had but rather which model of Nokia you owned. Nokia believed they could do no wrong.
Oct 2024: The Power of Strategic Focus: How Making Tough Choices Saved Bombardier
Strategy, boils down to one essential truth: making choices about where to play and where not to play. Simple, right? Yet "simple" is tough to execute! For example, it might seem easier to take a "please everyone" approach to strategy, yet rarely does this translate into success. In reality, pl...
Sep 2024: Purpose before Strategy
The French call it the “raison d’être”; others call it your “purpose” or your “why”. Herbert Joly, the CEO of Best Buy, penned an article in HBR describing how he needed to find the company’s “Why” before he could turn around the then failing business.
Aug 2024: Porsche’s Passport Revolution
In 2017 Porsche America launched the Porsche Passport Program. Available only in the USA and Canada and by invitation only, selected individuals could participate for a one-time payment of $3500 and $595/mo. Passport members have access to seven different Porsche brands (19 models in total) to driv...
July 2024: Olympic Dream Catchers
The Olympic Games are always a special time and provide anopportunity to learn about the journeys that elite athletes have taken to reach the pinnacle of their sport. No matter what event an athlete competes in, or what country they represent, there are a few traits that unite these talented people. There are many lessons elite athletes can teach us about leading a business; I’ve chosen four traits that I believe are most important.
June 2024: Carbon for Water
Contracting diarrhea from contaminated drinking water is a major, life threating risk for many living in Sub Saharan Africa. To kill the waterborne bacteria and parasites that cause diarrhea, drinking water must be boiled on a wood stove, meaning firewood must be harvested from an ever dwindling ne...
May 2024:PACCAR – The Will to Prepare
PACCAR, a maker of large transport trucks, was in big trouble in the 1980’s. Some may recall the late 1970’s and 80’s when strong Asian competition enter the North American automotive market. However, it was the Europeans who provided the strong foreign competition in the large haul class 8 truck...
April 2024: Broken Body Shop… In Need of Repair
In 1976 Anita Roddick opened The Body Shop skin care store in Brighton England. She was a pioneer in the cosmetics industry tapping into a customer segment that was concerned for the environment, animal welfare and a desire to use "natural" cosmetic products that were ethically sourced. An activist at heart, Ms. Roddick believed a business could be a force for good.
March 2024: OMC… Dead in the Water!
Manufacturing an iconic brand isn't enough. To ensure survival, management must have a passion to lead the market in new directions and keep introducing value adding innovations. While Johnson and Evinrude outboard motors aren't the first iconic brands to nose dive into oblivion, what they did do we...
February 2024: Flying too Close to the Sun – the C-Series passenger Jet
A technical advantage doesn't always translate into a competitive market advantage. To fully realize a competitive market advantage, you must ensure the product meets the standard of a 'minimal viable product'. This means there are certain criteria customers expect you to meet to be considered as an alternative purchase. As Bombardier discovered with its ill-fated C-Series passenger jet, technical superiority alone isn't enough.
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