A great strategy is characterized by integrative thinking, creating new ways of interacting with customers or in some cases reinventing an entire business model. Active integrative thinking brings better ideas faster and more efficiently to better serve the market. To create this atmosphere and instill the mindset in managers alike SABRE builds business.
All the simulations we have developed to date are in response to an industry need. Our simulations allow students and executives alike to put into practice their analytical and creative skills to build and execute more robust, business strategies.
SABRE Course Structure:
SABRE Focuses on Management Level Training:
● Top Level is for building participants overall strategic thinking. On this level, we focus on generic industries. We provide SABRE Strategy Simulations here. Because: 1) Senior managers must have cross industry insights; 2) Strategy mindset is not industry specified, there is a strategy planning process behind any good strategies --- the principle can be modeled and copied; 3) Strategy is situational specified, there is no good strategy but strategy to fit that moment. All managers need to focus on dynamic Unmet Needs and trends movement to planning their strategies.
● Middle Level and High Potentials, we also provide generic industry program. FNF finance for non-finance simulation is here. Because: 1) Strategy tells WHERE to go, and Finance is for WHICH option is better or province the strategy; 2) Finance will be a much more operational level.
● Business Level, by industries, we focus on pharmaceutical/devices and consumer goods industry. On this level, we provide strategic regional management programs and KA management (SFE=Salesforce Effectiveness). All programs are based on real business case and industry data.